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Creating More Sustainable Event Venues in 2024

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Green is the New Black! As we move into 2024, sustainability is a key focus in the events industry. Event organizers and venue operators are increasingly aware of the the importance of reducing their environmental impact while creating memorable experiences. This article aims to give you ticks & tricks for creating more sustainable event venues, in a way that is in line with Losberger De Boer's "Covering Tomorrow" initiative.

Before we continue, if you want to know more about our 'Covering Tomorrow' initiative, click here

Choosing Sustainable Venues 

Selecting the right venue is crucial. Look for venues with sustainability certifications like LEED, Green Seal, or ISO 14001. Consider energy efficiency, waste management, and proximity to public transport. These elements reduce the environmental footprint and align with Losberger De Boer's standards. 

Implementing Energy-Efficient Practices 
Reducing energy consumption is essential. Use LED lighting, optimize heating and cooling systems, utilize natural light, and implement smart climate control. These measures cut down on energy usage and costs, reflecting our efforts to minimize environmental impact. For example, at a recent conference in Munich, smart climate control and LED lighting resulted in a 20% reduction in energy usage.  

Waste Reduction and Management 
Effective waste management is crucial. Use digital signage instead of printed materials, set up recycling and composting stations, partner with local organizations to donate excess food, and use reusable or biodegradable materials for decor and supplies. These practices mirror our commitment to responsible consumption and production. 

Sustainable Catering 
Food and beverage services significantly impact sustainability. Source ingredients locally, offer plant-based menu options, use reusable or compostable dishware, and implement water conservation measures in food preparation. These choices support sustainability and enhance the dining experience, reflecting our values. 

Encouraging Sustainable Transportation 
Transportation is a major contributor to an event's carbon footprint. Choose venues accessible by public transport, provide incentives for carpooling or using electric vehicles, offer shuttle services from central locations, and promote bike-sharing programs. These measures align with our efforts to reduce emissions and promote green transport.  

Embracing Technology for Sustainability 
Leverage technology to enhance sustainability efforts. Utilize event management software to reduce paper usage, offer virtual or hybrid event options to reduce travel emissions, and use apps for event information and networking to minimize printed materials. These technological solutions streamline management and promote sustainability. 

Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Efforts 
To continually improve practices, set clear goals for each event. Use tools to measure the carbon footprint, collect data on energy usage, waste reduction, and travel, and share reports with stakeholders to demonstrate commitment. This transparency builds trust and highlights dedication to sustainable practices, echoing our principles of transparency and accountability. 

By implementing these strategies, event venues and organizers can significantly reduce their environmental impact while creating engaging and memorable experiences. As sustainability becomes increasingly important to attendees and stakeholders, embracing these practices will benefit the environment and enhance the appeal of event venues in 2024 and beyond. 

Remember, sustainability is an ongoing journey. Continuously seek new ways to improve and innovate, and share your successes and challenges with the wider events community.