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Venues That Impress, Rain or Shine

Create an Unforgettable Graduation Ceremony

At Losberger De Boer, we know that every graduation is unique. Whether you’re hosting an intimate gathering or a large-scale celebration, our flexible and high-quality structures provide the perfect solution. From elegant auditoriums to comfortable reception areas, we deliver a professional atmosphere and flawless execution—whatever the weather or location. Explore our structures and make your graduation day truly unforgettable.

Often selected

Anova Vista

Customisable and curvaceously classy

Anova Vista


Superior quality and durability | Enhanced Guest Experience



Clearspan | Flexibility | Can be connected to buildings


And there's more...

Space solutions for every need

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Interested in this Event space solution?

Feel free to reach out to us for more information on owning or renting one of our structures.

Francis Scholten
Francis Scholten

CEO Rental Projects Division